One topic around here that we have been discussing is whether our clients truly know the extent of our capabilities. I think they all know that we can do old-fashioned vanilla EDI but many do not know that we can also do pistachio and rum raisin, too! And by “pistachio” I am talking about some of the remarkable services available to our clients they may not be taking advantage of, like direct connections to trading partners or their ERP via APIs, EDI dashboards, inventory feeds and the list goes on. In other words, we don’t just do EDI, we meet our clients’ B2B integration needs with unique and industry-leading solutions.
Many of today’s modern ERPs offer APIs for accessing data within the ERP. We can leverage these APIs for faster, more real-time processing of inbound and outbound transactions, while at the same time adhering to the traditional EDI communications and formats that some trading partners still use. We can also use APIs to pass data between applications within the enterprise, making re-keying of data a thing of the past.
If you have read our blog and/or our newsletters in the last year, you already know about our EDI dashboard tool, Syncrofy. What you may not know is that number one, we are currently offering Syncrofy on a free trial. That’s how confident we are that our clients will love having access to real-time data in user-friendly dashboards and timelines. Secondly, did you know that Syncrofy users can help reduce chargebacks by up to 30% by reducing errors before they happen? Chargebacks are one of the biggest back holes where revenue goes to die. Take back control of your profit and data – just ask Barnes & Noble about that. Or better yet, click the button below to read the case study and see for yourself.
Another need we resolved for our clients is the requirement for sending their customers inventory feeds to keep them informed of inventory levels. Autozone is one of the bigger companies that requires this and we made it super simple for our clients by allowing them to send us data in many various formats (often a spreadsheet) that we then transform into the EDI 846 and forward to Autozone on their behalf. Autozone is receiving EDI and our clients are simply updating an Excel spreadsheet – bridging the technology gap so often felt by smaller organizations. We also do something very similar for CVS and Target suppliers for the 810 invoice with our groundbreaking Easy-Trade solution. Look for Easy-Trade 2.0 later this year, complete with Supplier Portal, putting more capabilities into the hands of the suppliers.
The bottom line is that no matter what your B2B challenge or requirement is, chances are we have already seen it and resolved it for another client. And if we haven’t, we will happily say, “challenge accepted” and get to work on your behalf.
Learn more about the relationship between ERP providers and EDI partnerships in our free whitepaper: EDI Partnerships Deliver Value to ERP Solutions Providers