EDI Documentation

What is an SDQ Purchase Order?

SDQ (Ship Destination Quantity) purchase orders are also referred to as spreadsheet or explosion orders.  These types of purchase orders can create efficiency gains by eliminating redundant data that would need to be sent on multiple non-SDQ orders.  This reduction of data is accomplished by sending the header data only…

How the 2024 US Election Impacts Supply Chain Dynamics

Now that the long-awaited election results are in, let’s look at how the incoming administration may affect the supply chain going forward. Conservative policies typically focus on deregulation, free-market principles, lower taxes, and a robust national defense, all of which have significant ramifications for global trade and logistics. While each…

EDI Mapping: The Backbone of Efficient Data Exchange

With today’s competitive and global marketplace, efficient data exchange is crucial for maintaining competitive advantages and fostering strong partnerships. One of the most vital components of this process is EDI mapping, which serves as the bridge between different systems and formats. In this blog, we’ll delve into the intricacies of…

What is EDI 856? Definition and Business Benefits

EDI and specifically the Advanced Ship Notice (EDI 856/ASN) provide effective supply chain communication and efficient data exchange, which are crucial for B2B success. Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) is a technology that allows companies to exchange business documents electronically, streamlining processes and reducing errors. Among the various EDI transaction sets,…

When Your EDI Server Crashes

What happens when your EDI server crashes? How long will it take to get back to business as usual? The answer is, longer than you may think. We sincerely hope this does not happen to you but if it does, having EDI backups and EDI documentation of your data will…

The Future of Business Visibility: Introducing Syncrofy

Photo appears courtesy of Peter. We dropped some hints in previous blogs and the unveiling is finally here!  We are now offering an EDI visibility tool called Syncrofy, and it very well may change the way you do business. Syncrofy provides self-service EDI insights without the need for IT support, allowing you to search, view, and…

Prioritizing EDI Tasks

Photo appears courtesy of R/DV/RS. Ping! You hear your email and there’s another one of those “New Requirements” emails from one of your trading partners, Perfection Construction.  Yeah, yeah, I’ll look at it later.  You never get to it because you have Evan in Sales breathing down your neck about…

Ace the EDI Application Upgrade Process

Updated July 7, 2023 A Little Planning Goes a Long Way Photo appears courtesy of brownpau. How many times have you scheduled an EDI application upgrade, only to find out at the last minute that you haven’t met all of the requirements or that users weren’t informed that the system…

Purchase Order Confirmation Rates: Navigating Amazon Chargebacks

Photo appears courtesy of Wendy. Navigating Amazon’s compliance requirements remains as critical as ever for sellers. With evolving policies and increased automation in their supply chain, maintaining accurate and timely purchase order confirmation rates is crucial to avoid costly Amazon chargebacks. Let’s explore what this means for your business and…

Why Your EDI Processes Should Be Automated

Photo appears courtesy of Phill Dolby. We spend a lot of time each summer trying to streamline and automate as many of our processes and procedures as we can.  It saves time and, if done correctly, makes our data more accurate and timely.  Taking the time to do this is…

Documenting Your EDI Processes

Photo appears courtesy of Nikki Tysoe. EDI Documentation – the one thing we love to hate but MUST do.  How do you run the inbound 850 process once the data is mapped?  What are common issues that prevent 850s from automatically creating orders?  What do you do if an 810 fails? …

Why We Love Liaison’s Delta/ECS Data Integration Package

Photo appears courtesy of Tony Hisgett. Nowadays, there’s all kinds of products that have multiple uses.  My new favorite kitchen gadget is a flexible spatula/spoon sometimes known as a spoonula, that scraps, stirs, flips and is heat resistant.  Not any ordinary spoon from the dollar store, you need to pay…

Are Your EDI Maps Made of Straw, Wood or Brick?

Over the years as EDI consultants, we have done modifications to many maps-ones we created and ones created by others. We have seen a great variety of maps, from well thought out and well constructed to “what were they thinking!” Once an EDI map is written, tested, and in production it should run with…

EDI 852: A Guide to Product Activity Data and Inventory Management

Many of our cloud EDI clients ask: How can I track our customers’ product sales and on-hand inventory? The answer lies in the EDI 852, also known as the Product Activity Data transaction. The EDI 852 is a critical tool in supply chain management, enabling customers to share inventory and…